Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lucier_Telitha_Read/Respond to Allison Pope


BP6_20091108_Researching&Blogging. Web 2.0 toolsGR

One web 2.0 tool I found important to me as an educator and my learning environment is called Graspr. Graspr, is also known as the instructional video network and contains many videos that include educational and arts and crafts areas. This website has a wealth of knowledge in many other areas as well. Graspr contains videos for sports, recreation, home, garden, food, and drinks. I would use this site with my students to first show them as a model of the artistic processes of what I want them to learn. After viewing the video we would hold a question and answer discussion to find out if anyone needed any other instructions before actually starting the process. If there is something I viewed and I needed specific assistance with, I would contact whomever created the video with my questions or concerns before showing it to my students. Graspr also has an online community to allow people to connect and share their experiences and expertise. This site has tips on video production and an area to share your knowledge with questions and answers. A video that I viewed was ‘How to make a plaster paper mache face mask’ by the Handy Goddess. The video was clear and loud enough to understand the instructions. She actually plastered her own face, but used vaseline before applying the plaster to her skin. My concern would be for any students with dust allergies and they would not use their face as the model. They would apply plaster to a plastic mask. They would need to apply several layers, at least three layers of plaster strips onto their mask. This may take two or three days to complete. If the student wants to add any extra details to their mask then they need to add them before painting. A stick could also be added to hold the mask or you can place holes in the sides to tie it around the face. After it has been smoothed out and all the extra details have been added, then it will be ready to paint. Acrylic paint, tempera or spray paint works best. After all mask are completed have a masquerade party, or display them in an exhibit.

Graspr image retrieved November 08,2009 from


Telitha said...

This is great! Graspr, huh? I'm definitely going to check out that website. I don't teach art, but there might be some fun science videos!! Also I'm a huge arts and crafts buff (fun word huh?) so I think I'll definitely score some ideas here! Thanks again for the tip!

Lucier_Telitha_Read/Respond to Toni Orr


BL9_2009112_Researching and Blogging about Web 2.0 Tools I found this great new fun site to use with my students. As you can see the students can really be creative with this site and images. The can really change up their projects with this. My students do a projects called "All About Me" that begins with them not even being able to create a Power Point to a full movie with sound and narration. This site can perk up the most dull Power Point project and give them a chance to expand it beyond a regular project.

The site also gives you a url like this to link to many different places. There are so many possibilities to use this site with projects that students can really be creative with. I love to create different things and know that this saves as a gif extension. I am still learning many of these things so my question of the day is can you import this into iMovie and keep the glitters and flitters available? It was so cool to just click on the

icon and your sparkle picture is posted to your blog!

The chart above has some other Web 2.0 tools that I had taken the time to explore but then there are many sites that I have never heard of like Black Planer, Multiply, H5. This page also has links to be able to create your own layouts, fun backgrounds. You can also link and add pictures to your own websites as well. Think that I will try to add this picture to my iWeb site as well. So many toys, so little time to play with them!

Tried to import this to my iWeb site but was unable to get it to work. I think one of my followers would have the knowledge of how to do this. If you know post the answer so we can all see!


Telitha said...

Glitterfly sounds like a great site, I'm definitly going to pass it on to our art teacher! By the way, I love the sparkly picture of you, very nice. If you want to get the picture of you glittering to your iWeb, be sure that you save it as a jpeg. The same can be said for any screenshot or photo. To do this, open the image in Preview and then go to save as. It will give you options, I think the preset option is tiff. Scroll up to jpeg and save. Then open your iPhoto and drag and drop. When your in iWeb next the photo should be available!

Lucier_Telitha_Read/Respond to Hardy Reeves

Just a couple of quick reasons on why is used in my classroom.

Telitha said...

What a great video. yacapaca sounds like such an interesting website. I'm always looking for new ways to check for fluency and comprehension in my class! I can't wait to check it out, thanks for the tip.

Lucier_Telitha_Web 2.0 Movie

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lucier_Telitha_Student Blogs

When I first had the idea that it might be fun to have my students create blogs I had no idea that the parents would love it so much. I've gotten some great responses from them. It's nice, when trying to incorporate technology into my class to have support from my parents. The students are still on the fence about the process but I'm winning them over I think. So far they've chosen their separate biomes and they've examined some energy roles present in their biomes. It's been a great process for us all. Now I just have to convince the rest of the faculty that a learning management system would be a great idea...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lucier_Telitha_Week 3 Web 2.0

I’ve fallen in love. This latest web 2.0 tool that found is called edu2.0. It is a Learning Management System. This is very exciting for me because two (or three) classes ago I was able to use a program called Lectora. This program was great and very easy to use. Edu 2.0 is an LMS, but a free one. I was very excited when I saw this because I wanted to be able to use Lectora for my school, but it was rather cost prohibitive. Edu 2.0 is FREE!

I’ve already set up a site for my school – nothing is on it yet, but thanksgiving break is coming up, that will give me a chance to work on it (I hope). I plan on using this site for my classes. Eventually I hope to have my classes working with the LMS at least once a week. I can see having self-guided lessons about science on this site as well as tests and quizzes. As much as I try and push for the latest software to be bought for the Alphasmarts it has yet to be purchased. This is an alternative method to accomplish my same goal of using technology to further the literary needs of my students.

In the end I hope that I can get most or all of the teachers using this site to aid in meeting the educational needs of our students. I feel that it is very important today, even though our students have varied levels of learning differences, that we include technology. The world is heading that way when it comes to business or leisure. It is up to us as educators to ensure that or students are literate in the traditional sense and in the new meaning of the word.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lucier_Telitha_Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is the method of using a service like Delicious to bookmark or save website urls according to topic and then sharing them with others. Delicious is a site which educators and librarians are using to help students and patrons to learn and share with each other (Gustafson). Gustafson, who was a college student in 2008 used social bookmarking to store and keep track of research for school projects. This is one use for social bookmarking: storage of research.

According to another technophile, Carolyn Hanych, "Educators need time to learn how to use new technology tools and how to successfully implement them into their instruction" (Hanych). This is a valid point, though a hard one to see through in the light of busy teaching schedules and personal lives. Though, if people are willing to learn, there is much to accomplish in the way of making professional lives easier. Social bookmarking allows one to store bookmarks in a way that is not computer-specific. It also allows for the sharing of bookmarks with colleagues. This allows for the building upon research of others (Jackson).

Social bookmarking is an all around useful tool for making one's life more streamlined. Instead of having to create a computer-specific bookmark for a site on a topic for class, an individual can save the information online using a site like Delicious and thus have access to the sites on any computer.


Gustavson, B. (2008). Who says librarians (and teachers) don't like tags? Retrieved November 8, 2009 from who-says-librarians-and-teachers-dont- like-tags.html

Hanych, C. (2009). My plan to use social bookmarking as professional development. Retrieved November 8, 2009, from bookmarking-as-professional-development/

Jackson, L. (2006). Sites to see: social bookmarking. Education World. Retrieved November 8, 2009, from