Friday, November 6, 2009

I've decided that as one of my fun new projects designed to torture my students I'm going to have my freshman class create blogs. Along the side of my blog you'll see links to the blogs for all of the students in that class. There were of course some voices of dissent when the idea of blogging was brought up. Since I'm using it as a graded assignment they quickly caught on. Each student was asked to choose a biome to study for the year. They were then asked to post about a few things
1. What is the biome, and why was it chosen
2. What are some characteristics of the biome
3. What are some key organisms that live in the biome

I also asked them to include a little about what they were looking forward to in their freshman year here at Linden Hill. The responses were all great! Stay tuned and see what else we'll crank out!!!

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