Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lucier_Telitha_Flickr Lessons

So tonight I’m looking for lesson plans that incorporate Flickr. Go figure a lesson plan that incorporates pictures. I totally dig this because of the visual aspect that it adds to a lesson plan. This is great for students who either can’t read very well or don’t understand English. It could also work to enhance a lesson that is difficult.

Like right now in science: We’re studying electricity. The ins and outs of this are proving tricky for my students to grasp. We’ve done a few static electricity experiments and some battery experiments and the boys have the general idea, but I’m afraid that they’re not getting the specifics that I’d like them to get. I can see using Flickr to enhance the lesson by showing pictures of a circuit and other related items. Another really great idea would be for the students to complete a webquest or a ‘flickr-quest’ concerning different elements of the electrical circuits.

I found a really neat lesson plan posted by By Kenneth Beare at He commented on the idea of using Flickr to teach ESL lessons. In his post he recommends having the students look at pictures that the instructor picks or having the students pick their own pictures. Beare then gives a list of questions like “What’s happening in the picture?” and “Tell me what objects you see in the picture.” I think that these are some really neat things that could be done with Flickr. I can definitely see me pushing my colleagues to use it more.

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